10 Mart 2014 Pazartesi

07.03.2014 / Architectural Scenario for 2054 /2


Socio- Political Hypotheses:
Geophysical engineers researching about a big earthquake which will be expected to happen around nearly 50 years.. In 2040, this earthquake happened around Izmir. Therefore, many people died and many places were destroyed. 

After earthquake population of Izmir and around cities of Izmir highly decresed. 

Technical Hypotheses:
With the development of technology, transporting is based on cars, zeplins, electiric shuttle and airbus etc.. These are working with electiricity which will be produced with bicycle, windmills etc..

Producing green bicycle which whell turns any pedal- powered cycle into an electiric one by fitting a special electiric motor wheel. The bike is recharged through pedalling or the mains.

 The air vehicles, the idea of having a part car and part plane at the same vehicle which is future design technology. This air vehichles will bring a lot of convenience.

Renewable Sources:

    Because of the climate change and decreasing fossil fuel, in 2054 people provide those needs renewable energy sources. For example; wind, solar, geothermal and sustainable forms of bio-energy.

Wind Energy:

    Some values are represented like a graphics in 2014. Aegean Region of the Turkey have a %40,90 Capacity of Wind Power Plants. But, Izmir is second level of wind turbine. In 2054, , Aegean Region will still be first compared to other regions in terms of Installed Capacity for Operational Wind Power Plants. Moreover, Izmir will be first compared to other cities and Balıkesir will be second.


 Geothermal Energy in Izmir:
     For the geothermal Energy sources, Izmir is one of the richest place around Turkey. Balçova coming foremost, Seferihisar, Çeşme, Dikili, Bergama, Aliağa and Bayındır districts are all very important geothermal sites.
   Through the current energy and with the new technology, People using geothermal energy for;
  1.   Heating and cooling systems, 
  2.   Electric power generation,
  3.  Carbon dioxide, fertilizer, lithium, heavy water, chemicals, and mineral products such as hydrogen,
  4.   Thermal spas in tourism purposes,
  5.    At low temperatures (30 ° C) aquaculture,
  6.   Producing drinking water containing minerals,

Regarding the current installed power, there is no power plant generating electricity by the use of geothermal energy in İzmir province. In 2054, those centrals will be built.
Environmental Hypotheses:
After an earthquake the city have al lot of damage and for a reason of low rain water rate, government mandotory urban farming. 
As the days progressed annual rainfall rates is decreasing. Thus, the importance of water in human life is increasing. Because of this reason, water collection is getting important. Water conservation is mandatory for every residential.Collected water into conservation system will be used for farming and indoor household.   
Socio-Economic Hypotheses:
     After earthquake, most people lost their properties and it causes socio-economic class differences.
     People who didn’t lost their properties (are also the owners of this site) offers a house from site and minimum wage to other people in return for working at urban farming. Income of urban farming is employer’s.

Ourselves in Scenario:
    We are partners of one of the most famous architectural office in Turkey. Owners of the site organize a competition for architects to design the urban planning. Many architects participate the competition but our firm is chosen because of having the most sustainable proposal.

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